# Day List Component This component is designed to fetch and display a list of days from a RESTful API. It includes functionality for filtering the data based on user input. ## Technologies Used - React.js - Axios (for API calls) ## How to Use 1. Install dependencies: ```bash npm install axios ``` 2. Import the DayList component into your React application: ```javascript import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react'; import axios from 'axios'; ``` 3. Use the DayList component in your application where needed: ```javascript ``` 4. Customize the API endpoint: - Update the URL in the `fetchData` function to match your API endpoint. - Adjust the query parameters based on your API requirements. 5. Filter Data: - Enter filter criteria in the input fields provided (field, op, value). - Click the "Clear Filters" button to reset the filters. ## Component Overview - **States:** - `days`: Stores the fetched day data. - `filter`: Stores the filter criteria for data fetching. - `error`: Stores error messages, if any. - **Effects:** - Fetches data from the API when the filter criteria changes. - Clears error messages on successful data fetch. - **Functions:** - `fetchData`: Fetches data from the API based on filter criteria. - `handleFilterChange`: Updates the filter state based on user input. - **Rendering:** - Displays filter input fields and a clear filters button. - Displays a list of days with their date, max temperature, min temperature, and precipitation. ## Error Handling - Displays error messages if data fetching fails.