# Creature Classification This Java project implements a classification system for creatures including Animals, Plants, and Fungi. Each creature class inherits from an abstract class called "Creature" and implements the interface "Reproduction". ## Usage To use this project, follow these steps: 1. Clone the repository. 2. Compile the Java files. 3. Run the Main class. ## Output After running the Main class, you will see the following output: ### Animals: - **Wolf**: ingestion, Sexual Reproduction, known for its pack hunting. - **Eagle**: ingestion, Sexual Reproduction, symbol of freedom and strength. ### Plants: - **Rose**: sunlight (aka photosynthesis), Seeds, admired for its beauty and fragrance. - **Oak**: sunlight (aka photosynthesis), Seeds, represents strength and endurance. ### Fungi: - **Mushroom**: external digestion with hyphae, Spores, thrives in moist environments. - **Mold**: external digestion with hyphae, Spores, often found on expired food. ## Classes ### Animal - **Methods**: eatFood(), modeOfReproduction() - **Subclasses**: Wolf, Eagle ### Plant - **Methods**: eatFood(), modeOfReproduction() - **Subclasses**: Rose, Oak ### Fungi - **Methods**: eatFood(), modeOfReproduction() - **Subclasses**: Mushroom, Mold ## Contributing Feel free to contribute to this project by submitting pull requests or reporting issues. ##